Pleasant Hill (925) 938-3043 2097 Oak Park Boulevard Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

A note from the director:

This is a quote by Maya Angelou I live by while working with children "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style".

Site Director Cindy Hill

Cindy follows in the footsteps of her grandmother who did foster care in their house in San Francisco while she was growing up. She knew she wanted to work with children at a very young age. Cindy has been with Dianne Adair for almost 20 years. She started as a teachers aid at Sequoia and worked her way up to become Director. Cindy received her certificate of completion in the study of Early Childhood Education in 2004 and received her Director Certificate in 2016. Cindy continues to gain knowledge in the childcare field by attending meetings and ongoing trainings. She also continues to build strong relationships with the community and with the families of Dianne Adair.